Invasion of the Space Aliens...

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This game is set between the first two RON games. Here we follow Alec Spherguson, secret agent from planet Spheroidia on a mission to save his home world. And of course, somebody in Reality-on-the-Norm holds the key to the survival of the ball-shaped aliens.
This game has some funny dialogue and references to previous RON games. The downside however, is that it's short and the inventory puzzle didn't make any sense (I guess it wasn't supposed to). -Cornjob
The full title of this game is: Invasion of the Space Aliens Who Are Not From Earth But From Some Other Planet, making this game notable for being the shortest game with the longest title! -Dave
Created By: Aleksandar Janjic
Date Released: Sunday 25th August 2002
Game Engine: AGS
Playable character:
New characters:
Featured characters:
None available.