Lunchtime Of The Damned

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Reality's first episode, featuring zombies, sorcerors, a dead Bill Cosby and oh so much more! Made by Yahtzee, author of the Rob Blanc series.
The first game to be released, it sets the tone and style for many of the later RON games.
Created By: Ben Croshaw
Date Released: Saturday 17th February 2001
Game Engine: AGS
Playable character:
New characters:
Baron Wolfgang
Crazy Homeless Weirdo
Davy Jones
Dead Bill Cosby
Elandra Desmond
George Watstatt
Michael Gower
Phil Nihilist
Punk Allen
Featured characters:
Cycle right-click mouse cursors and perform the following actions to complete the game. This walkthrough was created to maximize brevity and enjoyment - there are more interactions possible that add to the richness of the game.
- East, then West
- Search corpse (take wallet)
- Enter Yahtzeebrand General Store
- Buy pooper-scooper and bottled water
- Exit store, then West
- Use wallet on Jukebox
- Use Bum's arm
- Read spell book in inventory
- Use Invisibility Spell on yourself
- Use door
- Use bottled water on bottle of vodka
- Exit bar
- Use pooper-scooper on corpse
- East
- Read spell book in inventory
- Use bloody pooper-scooper on grave
- Use vodka on grave
- Use fire spell on grave