Vengeance of the Chicken

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The second installment of the Reality on the Norm series, featuring a chicken as player character. You must seek the assassin of your brother chicken to achieve vengeance.
Created By: Ed Day
Date Released: Thursday 22nd February 2001
Game Engine: AGS
Playable character:
New characters:
Elaine Chapel
Fred the Chicken
Percival Wolfgang
Thakbor's Mom
The Chicken
Featured characters:
Cycle right-click mouse cursors and perform the following actions to complete the game. This walkthrough was created to maximize brevity and enjoyment - there are more interactions possible that add to the richness of the game.
- Search your brother's corpse (take bullet)
- East
- Enter church
- Talk with Elaine until she gives you a knife
- Exit church, then East
- Take lubricant from window shelf
- West, then West
- Use knife on your dead brother
- West
- Use knife on box that drunk Punk Allen is holding (take gun)
- In inventory, use bullet with gun
- Ask Bum who killed Fred
- Give meat to Bum
- Talk to Bum to offer more meat to take you to Baron's mansion
- Use lubricant on letterbox
- Interact with letterbox
- Use loaded gun on Baron's brother