Things to come
Happy Halloween to those who celebrate it.
Over at the AGS forums, a couple of new RoN projects have been announced as well as an interesting project in the "Submit Something" discussion. For those who haven't seen it yet, here's the promotional trailer I did. The download link is here.
Posted By: Dylan Downing (Renegade Implementor) - Monday 31st October 2005
Change to the forum
Due to abuse of the guest privileges of the forum, I have been forced to alter the permission levels to prevent further abuse. You will now have to have an account and be signed in to post or reply to messages on the forum.
Posted By: Dylan Downing (Renegade Implementor) - Wednesday 12th October 2005
New art
Just a quick note to say I've added a new piece of art to the Fan Art section.
Also, RoN's 5th anniversary is in Februrary. If anyone is interested in submitting any creative work (art, music, writing, game, etc) to celebratethis anniversary they have until Feb 1, 2006 to get their submission in.
Posted By: Dylan Downing (Renegade Implementor) - Friday 7th October 2005