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The Crazed Chicken
You are Mikey, a chicken. You live on a farm with the Farmer. After attending a fair in Reality-on-the-Norm, the Farmer accidently left you behind when he went home. You need to find the way back to the farm.
Created by: Chris Dobrzyniecki
Released: Tuesday 29th August 2006
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Purity of the Surf
Josh Beachcomber has come to the town to participate in Reality's annual surfing contest. However, the contest costs money to enter and Josh is broke and deathly allergic to getting a job. Not to mention his surfboard has mysteriously disappeared. What's a beach bum to do? This game sports a number of nifty animations as well as your favorite RON characters in skimpy swimsuits! Woo-hoo!
Created by: Dave Gilbert
Released: Friday 17th January 2003
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The Postman Only Dies Once
The author of "Repossessor" is back with a second game, this one featuring his character Max Griff. Pete Bailey the postman has been murdered, and the only suspect is zombie Michael Gower. Help Max Griff, Reality's number one (and so far only) private eye as he tries to unearth the real killer. Charades, vats of acid, Mah Jong and donuts await your investigation!
Created by: Dave Gilbert
Released: Sunday 11th November 2001
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Apocalypse Meow (Chapter One)
This is a continuation of Creed Maley's and Denzil Quixode's epic trilogy. Become Drake once again as he struggles to survive in a Reality torn to shreds by ferocious kittens. This is the first chapter of the game (eventual total of three).
Created by: Creed MalayDenzil Quixode
Released: Saturday 15th March 2003
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Defender of RON
Here's a nice game with lots of interactions and optional bonus puzzles. Phil Nihilist the Yahtzeebrand store clerk has finally gained the incredible superpowers he always dreamed of. He becomes a superhero to help the people of Reality. However, Phil recieves a threatening phone call from DC Comics....
Created by: Valentijn Gilissen
Released: Wednesday 18th December 2002
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Another mayoral election is about to take place, and Michael Gower has been thrown in jail again. Become Mika once more as she seeks to blow the lid off the scandal and uncover more stories for the newspaper.
Created by: Steve McCrea
Released: Tuesday 23rd September 2003
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The Chef
Grundislav, creator of the Hooky McPegleg games, returns with his third(!) RON game. This time, we meet a new character: Chef Lucca. When the mayor is forced to shut down Lucca's Italian restaurant due to a complaint from D.O.R.K.S. (Department of Restaurant Kitchen Sanitation), the chef suspects someone is out to get him. Help Lucca and his naked brother Guido uncover an evil conspiracy.
Created by: Francisco Gonzalez
Released: Thursday 11th April 2002
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A Better Mouse Trap
This game was written for the March 2003 monthly games contest. Davy and Elandra are trapped on an alien world. The jury is out on how they got there. Did Elandra's new invention go horribly wrong? Or did Davy's magic cause havoc again? Regardless, it's up to the both of them to find a way back home.
Created by: Dave Gilbert
Released: Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Kittens and Cacti
Melt and Drake return in this follow-up to the great "Cabbages and Kings." This time, the duo teams up with Doc and Mika to foil Baron Wolfgang's evil plot in an adventure complete with flashbacks, time travel, and yes, talking animals.
Created by: Creed MalayDenzil Quixode
Released: Wednesday 14th August 2002
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I Spy
Mika, a student photographer, arrives in Reality, seeking a picture of Cosby's mangled corpse to sell to the tabloids. Graphically innovative, and it even has some replayability, because of the different pictures it's possible to take.
Created by: Anthony Hahn
Released: Sunday 8th April 2001
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